dinsdag 10 augustus 2010

The End

It's over, in half an hour we are going back to Belgium. It has been a great event with lots of wonderful memories and experiences. But the most important part in this message is how good we actually did it her in Cluj. As you might already know, there were 6 case-studies. We finished 4 times on the podium!!!!!!!!!
We couldn't believe it our selves. We were thrilled. We cam 3e, 3e, 2e and First. It was amazing. Overall we ended op 4th, which is an incredible result if you realize that 5000 people participated.
Last night we also celebrated this result, that's maybe the reason why this message isn't so great.
But now we have to go and catch our plane.

Thanks for reading our blog and amazing story.

Fast blog: the results... Update: blogfail!

zaterdag 7 augustus 2010

Day six at EBEC

7.30h wake up! Ouch to the power of... a lot! 4th case study, and we were ready to nail it this time. It was all about the beautiful city of Jambolinia (in case you never heard of it before; no worries, we didn't either...). We had to improve the waste management for the city. Our solution? CHICKENS! Yes, they will rule the world... Now, blogging and preparing for the gypsy party.

Oh yeah, we met a Romanian girl, and immediately married her.

Photo 1: YES, we can work hard.

Photo 2: The Romanian girl we met/married/love/...

Day five at EBEC

Hi all!
Today there was the more than welcome free day. 3 days of competition really gives overkill.
Stein searched (and found!) some Romanian friends (and all of this on his birthday! Congrats, captain!! :D). The rest of team MXAIB went for some sightseeing in Cluj, and eventually it resulted in catching up on sleep.

In the evening we went for dinner in a pirates restaurant, and had some drinks afterwards...

Smell ya laterzzzzz! ;)

donderdag 5 augustus 2010

Day four at EBEC

Again, a too early morning. The free day tomorrow will do us all good! Today we were all very excited about the first company assignment. P&G was here for a case study about… SOAP! We had to put a new product on the market in the year 1991 somewhere in Europe. It was a very special assignment, because they were working with “stress elements”.
Tonight, there’s the international evening. We’ve been looking forward to this, because it was an excellent night at beBEC! Woohoow! If you want to see more pictures of the whole event (and us) we recommend you to follow
this link.

Day three at EBEC

“Roxaaaaaane, you don’t have to put on the red light. Rooooooxaaaaaane, you don’t have to wear that dress tonight…”. Waking up with ‘The Police’ is good, although it’s still too early. After having a delicious breakfast, it was time for case study number 2; an assignment about traffic management in Mumbai India. We invented the ‘Flexpress’. You’ll hear everything about it once it’s built in Mumbai itself ;-). After the case study, we went for dinner in a sports bar. Great pizza, great dessert!
Just a quick power nap, and then off to the Sexy Alien party, which was a great party! Lots of fun, and err… futuristic costumes!

Photo 1: Delicious dessert after a hard day of work...

Photo 2: Our sexy Alien costumes

dinsdag 3 augustus 2010

Day two at EBEC

The first real competition day, the first assignment was given by BEST self. We had to improve their organizational structrure. It was pretty hard because it was a very large task. The party from yesterday also didn't help. Eventually the result was medium satisfying. Now a little bit of rest and then going to a homeless party. Sounds like fun.

Photo 1: Hard work after a hard party...

Photo 2: Stein being all happy

Day one at EBEC

Our first real day in Cluj started in style. We first went to the official opening of the event all suited up. To get a bit in the mood we already got our first engineering competition. We had to build a structure with spagghetti to hold up a marshmellow as high as possible. This is how we made our first friends. After a small reception we went to explore the city. Suits and hot weather is not a good combination. We had a small lunch and filled the rest of the day with teambuilding activities. The theme for the evening party was geek, we had great fun.