vrijdag 4 juni 2010

The first step: dBEC!

This is a story of teamwork, perseverance and a little bit of luck. It all started when a Warren was talking about the very first dBEC he was organising here in Delft. It sounded like a great challenge, so we signed up, no idea of the journey we had just embarked upon.

It was a sunny Thursday afternoon. ING had prepared an interesting case study for us. After a long and very interesting presentation, we put our heads together and tried to come up with the best IT-delivery system. It took us a while to figure out what was expected from us, but eventually we came up with some great ideas. I won't go into detail, but it had something to do with a skeleton and some islands. We presented our fantastic solution, the jury took some time to make a decision and to our greatest amazement, we didn't win. We finished third and went home with a bottle of cheap vodka and a passport holder from ING. Our journey in the BEST Engineering Competition had ended. Or so we thought.

Some days went by, when suddenly we got a call from BEST delft, it was Warren, "The winners can't go to beBEC" he said. "Neither the second team can“, he said next. Then he asked the question we had only dreamt of: "Is your team available to go to beBEC?"

This is how we, four Belgian Aerospace Engineering students got to go to beBEC, representing Delft University of Technology.

Having only finished third in the local round, our goal was simple: Enjoy it! There was no way we could get any further than this. (Little did we know).

Photo 1: our team working hard on the solution during the dBEC event.

Photo 2: Our team being satisfied while receiving our third place certificate.

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