donderdag 17 juni 2010

Tuesday 13 April 2010: Day two at beBEC

8 o'clock wake up is terrible. First, we had a short breakfast and then did our utmost to stay awake during the presentation of Thales. They started with a company presentation and then we got the objective of the case study: “Design a space mission to deflect an asteroid heading towards earth”. As four Aerospace Engineering students, we might have had just a little bit of an advantage here. Actually, the only thing we had to do was read a booklet and make a nice presentation. Once we saw the presentation of the guys from Leuven, it was clear that they would win today. Once we had seen all presentations, the jury came together and after giving the usual talk that all teams did a wonderful job, but that there could only one winner, they announced that the winner was:... Ghent! What a surprise this was!

Some time later, during lunch, the guys from Thales had an extra announcement. Apparently there was a slight mix-up. Ghent didn't win the case study, it was Leuven who actually won it. After this, the team from Ghent didn't enjoy themselves anymore and went home. Exit Ghent.

After lunch, we were given the materials for the fire truck and could finally get to do some real work. The big idea was the KISS-mobil, with a large focus to “Keep It Super Simple”. After long hours of hard labour, we already had a robot which could go back and forth. Our simple plan was going well.

The plan for tonight was the Rubik's Cube Party: Wear six different colours, exchange clothes to be in one colour à get a free cocktail! Later that night we also managed to get half a crate of beer just by doing some limboing. (Well, “we” in this case are Maarten and Stein. The others weren’t so into limboing...). We were doing our best to keep the Dutch spirit alive: spend as little as possible!

Photo 1: some outdoor working on robot parts

Photo 2: working very hard on our robot

Photo 3: Rubik's Cube Party party with free beers :-)

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